Therapy Websites: Secrets to Success

In many ways, your private practice website is the cornerstone of your therapy, counseling, or coaching practice.
For many of your clients, your website is the first place where they will interact with you, the first impression that they will get of your services, and the place where they will make the decision about whether or not to move forward in working with you.

In the digital age – your website is like your storefront – the place where people learn about who you are and what kind of interactions they can have with you. (Learn more about making the most of that first impression in my free video course!)

Having a website that it welcoming, informative, and strategically designed to encourage your visitors to take actual, active steps toward becoming your client can be the difference between a private practice that grows quickly to success, and a private practice that really struggles to succeed.

So many elements go into creating a website, from the website content to the SEO that helps your content get seen by the right people. But, just like anything, when skillfully done, the end product looks effortless and natural. Which is why, until you sit down and start actually thinking about what needs to go into your website – you might not realize just how hard it can be!
And then . . . the dreaded overwhelm sets in.

Whether you are DIYing or working with a designer on your private practice website, a strong understanding of how websites work and what kinds of strategic thinking needs to go into them can empower you to make informed decisions.
That’s why today I’m sharing a three part video course that I created. This course isn’t just fluff – it is three real conversations that cover both the over arching principals of successful websites, and also in-depth discussions of specific tactics that can be the key to your practice flourishing.

It’s my goals to empower you to make smart, strategic decisions for your website, so that you can end up with a website that is a powerful and effective tool!

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Private Practice Websites
Starting a Private Practice in Counseling

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