The Best Website Hosts For Small Businesses and Therapists

Learn About The Best Website Hosts For Small Businesses and Therapists and Why It Matters

So you’ve finally made the decision to have your own therapist website. After thinking things through for a long, long time, you’re finally taking the leap. That’s awesome! Now, do you know about website hosts for small businesses (like your therapy business) and why it’s important? Read to learn more about it.

Well, making the decision to put your business online is one thing. Turning that plan into reality, however, is absolutely different. And as I’m pretty sure you’ve found out by now, choosing the best website hosting for your therapist site can be pretty challenging, especially since there are so many factors to consider and it can be difficult to distinguish the difference between one and the other. 

In fact, you’re probably feeling a little bit overwhelmed with all the stuff you have to learn just so you can have a beautiful website. Don’t worry though! I’m here to help you sort through the options. 

By now I’m sure you’ve already secured your domain name, seeing that you’re already looking at your website hosting options. But just like many other first-time website owners, you’re probably having a hard time figuring out what a website hosting service does for your website.

In fact, you’re probably thinking, “Why do I even need to pay for website hosting?”

I understand! 

So in this article, we’re going to talk about what website hosting actually is, why it matters, and how you can choose the right website hosts for small businesses especially for your therapy business. We’ll also look at some of the best-known website hosting sites for therapists you can check out, considering your budget and current business needs.

Are you ready? Read on!

What is website hosting?

Before we can talk about why your website needs a good one, let’s first have some definition of terms. What exactly do we mean by a website host?

Think about it this way. If you open a clinic for your practice, you’ll have to look for a space you can rent, right? That’s the same thing with your online practice. Before you can set up your business online, you’ll need to look for space on the Internet where you can store all the files that make up your website.

That space is your website host. 

Just to be clear, your website host is not your website domain. Your domain is your business’ address on the web, while your website host is your online home. So each time you pay for your web hosting services, think of it as paying your monthly rent for your online space. 

Why you need a good hosting service

best website hosting for therapist sites

Just as you wouldn’t want to just open up your clinic anywhere, you also would not want to just choose a service for website hosts for small businesses at random, and here’s why:

  • Good web hosting services = better site performance

Ever noticed how some websites take forever just to load? It’s not always an Internet connectivity issue. Sometimes, this speed issue is simply because the website does not have good hosting. 

By switching to a better web hosting service, you also improve user experience. This, in turn, will help boost engagement rates with your audience and make Google love your website even more. 

  • Get the technical support your business deserves

When it comes to choosing the right web hosting service for your website, you have to also consider the quality of their technical support. Because trust me on this, you’re going to need it if you want to keep your website running smoothly on the backend. High quality technical support is crucial, especially if you don’t consider yourself a very techie person. 

  • Make your website more secure

Even if you don’t accept payments on your website, you would still need several layers of security from your web hosting service to keep your files safe and sensitive information safe. So before choosing a web hosting service, look up reviews from other people who have already used the service. Remember, when it comes to the safety of your files, you simply can’t take chances.

How to choose a hosting service

While price is definitely an important factor to consider, it’s not the only aspect you should take into consideration. 

When choosing a quality web hosting service, you need to consider the following:

  • The bandwidth that you need to run your site: A typical therapist website would need about <please insert average bandwidth needed here>
  • Whether or not they provide an SSL certificate: This certificate guarantees that all interactions made on your site are kept private. Your website would need to have this certificate if you want an HTTPS web address for your business. Feel free to check out a post I wrote about this subject! 

Some of the best website hosts for small businesses and therapists like you

best website hosting for therapist sites

Choosing a website hosting service for your business can be confusing, as there are quite a number of options to choose from. But here’s one of the best website hosting site for therapists out there that you might want to check out.

Flywheel : One of the best website hosts for small businesses therapy websites

Of all the website hosts for small businesses I’ve tried, Flywheel is still the best choice for me, especially for therapy websites. I’ve worked with other hosting providers through the years and most of the less expensive ones are very problematic. Their customer service is terrible, their security is not strong, and when there is a problem it can take a really long time to fix it. 

But the Flywheel support is consistently the best that I have worked with. They are prompt, thorough, and really responsive. 

In fact, here are some more key features you’ll love about this website host!

  • Security-focused hosting

When it comes to choosing the right website host for myself and my clients, this is really one of the first factors I consider. What I love about Flywheel is that their security is really tight, and they see to it that your sites are safe, 24/7.

  • Top-notch loading speeds

Don’t want a website that takes forever to load? Flywheel hosting is the solution! Now you can speed up your game and turn visitors into clients. . .faster!

  • Regular back-ups

With a Flywheel-hosted website, you can sleep tight knowing there’s always a back-up you can rely on for your site. All it takes is just one click to restore everything you have on your page. Yep. It’s that easy.

Tired of DIY-ing your website? Book a call with me today and let’s talk about how I could help.

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Hi! I’m Sarah. 

 I help counselors and therapists  have a bigger impact on the world through better client connection. I do this by creating beautiful visuals and strategically designed websites.

Sarah Gershone web designer