Done-For-You Therapist Website Template

Get a professional, affordable website for your private practice!


Starting or relaunching your website doesn’t have to take months or cost an arm and a leg.

Specifically designed and built for mental health professionals, getting your own therapist website template is a fast and easy solution for getting your website up and running without stressing about the ins and outs of how to make it happen. That’s what we’re here for!

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Professional websites designed for mental health professionals.

How Does A Therapist Website Template Work?

You don’t need to know how to build a website - we do it for you!

What’s included once the website is published?


$ 195 Per Month
  • Customized Therapist Website Template
  • Up to Five Website pages
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Support
  • A Fully Managed Site
  • Optimized for Speed and Mobile Devices
  • Website Hosting and Security

Growing Practice

$ 250 Per Month
  • Everything in ‘Foundational’ PLUS . . .
  • Up to 10 pages
  • Pop Up Lead Capture
  • Google Analytics Reporting
  • CRM integrations
  • Custom Lead Capture
Most Popular

Group Practice

$ 350 Per Month
  • Everything in ‘Growing Practice’ PLUS . . .
  • Up to 25 pages
  • Custom Clinician Photo Carousel
  • Advanced Integrations
  • Blog Post Migration
  • Photo Gallery

What’s included?

Professional design

Designed by an expert who builds websites specifically for therapists.

Built-in SEO

We build in these backend tools to help you get found organically.

Social media linking

Connect with your ideal clients through your social channels.

5 website pages

Our Foundational Package includes 5 pages, or pick a larger option for more!

SSL Certificate of security

For an added layer of security to your website.

Premium hosting

Connect with your ideal clients through your social channels.

Worry Free

Our on-going maintenance means all the tech stuff is taken care of for you!


Ensuring your website will look great on desktop and mobile devices.

Lead generation opt-in forms

Making it super easy for a potential client to reach out or set up a consultation.

Super Fast

All our sites are optimized for quick load times so that you don't lose website visitors. No waiting around here!

Advanced Media

Include pictures, videos, even animations - to tell your story and connect with new clients.

Up To Date Design

We use best practices to create a design that helps you connect with new clients.

Our Quick and Easy Process

Step 1: Sign Up for a Site

Once you contact us we’ll be in touch right away with next steps. We'll get you signed up and then work with you to help you select the template option that best fits your brand.

Step 2: Send Us Your Info

Creating your content is easy with our Content Template! If you'd like we can give you font and color palettes to choose from, and we can also help you find the right stock photos.

Step 3: We Do the Rest

No tech stress here! Once we've got your information, we’ll go work our magic and put it all together into your new, professional website.

Step 4: On-Going support

Enjoy your new website stress-free, knowing that we're taking care of all the tech stuff. Backups, updates and security are all done for you, while you focus on what you do best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once we’ve completed your setup or onboarding process we can have your new website up in as little as 14 days—depending on how quickly resources and content are provided. We’ll need certain information from you and timelines can vary but it’s otherwise a very fast process overall.

Our therapist website templates start at $180 per month.  There are no set up fees and absolutely no hidden costs.

Creating content can be overwhelming, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! Once you sign up we’ll provide our content template so that you can easily write the content for your website. 

Yes, absolutely! While we do provide 30 minutes every month for minor edits (like updating photos, changing phone numbers, small changes to content, etc.) you’ll also be able to go in and make those changes yourself.

Absolutely! We know where to find the best quality, professional stock imagery that doesn’t look fake or cheesy. We can point you in the right direction or source them for you.

All of our websites are created using WordPress.

Once your two year contract is up – you do! We hope you’ll stay with us and have us continue to care for your site after the two years are up, but we’re also happy to package up the files and send them to you to host and maintain on your own.

We’re here to help!! We pride ourselves on being responsive and available, and we’ll be delighted to jump on a call to discuss whatever questions you have!

Templates for Therapists

Ready to get started? You can sign up right now and get things rolling! Prefer to chat a bit first? Contact me below and we’ll set up a free consultation.